Sunday, June 11, 2006

Baby Chipmunk

I noticed this baby chipmunk going in circles on my lawn. Her eyes aren't even open yet. She must have wandered away from her den & got lost. After awhile I guess she got tired & I think took a nap. I got up the nerve to pick her up - she wasn't scared and just sat still. She felt warm. She didn't even pee or poop on me. I knew we have some chipmunk holes around so I walked around and around until I found one but it hadn't been used for a while because the vegitation hadn't been disturbed. So I kept walking round & round until I found one that was being used. I put her down with her head at the hole & she crawled down. I just hope it was her home and that the owner of the den didn't kick her out. I just couldn't leave her out in the open for something to get her. I have noticed since I posted this picture that Bob lives in the hole that I put the baby into.

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